First International Symposium on
30th - 31st January 2004, Villa Nobel, Sanremo, Italy

The Birth of Technoethics

School of Theology, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy

1. Today's world seems to show the final victory of technology, due to its central role in human life. What is happening is not without dangers, but it can also have many positive effects on human society. Technoethics aims to establish those principles which can cause technology to be a useful element in the humankind's complete grow.

2. To start our discussion, and to give a useful answer, we have to understand why the ethic dimension of technology has been so much overlooked. Furthermore, we have to recognize the elements which seem to open the post modernity era to a positive conception of technology.

3. Technoethics anthropological ground: humankind is naturally technical. Anthropological basis of a suitable relationship human/machine. The Saint-Exupery Principle.

4. Technoethics logical foundation: no opposition human vs. matter, but not identity. Totality Principle. Matter's dialogical use in arts and technology. The instrumental role of experimental science and the rediscovery of the humanist engineer.

Draft 18th Jan '04